


My name is Walter B., I live in Halle, a beautiful city in Belgium, I have a master's degree in audiovisual arts animation film.

Creativity is something I have always had and continue to perfect and use.

Some time ago, I got a crazy boost inside of me, a warm feeling as they say, when looking at tattoos of other artists.

It got me thinking that this is what I really would like to be doing for the rest of my life!

Family and friends supported me to take the plunge in becoming a tattooartist, and so I did.... And I haven't regretted it for one single day!!!

As you can see, I work with a particular style of drawing,

which I try to perfect every day.

You could describe it as a linear-figurative style.

Please note: it's a style that doesn't appeal to everybody. So make sure to check if this kind of style is really something for you.

!!! There are certain tattoo styles I don't do, for instance NO old school, NO lettering, NO tribals or polynisian or geometric tattoos, NO new school or traditional work. 

There are much better artists out there who can do that kind of work much better than me.


I want to let you know that I will also not tattoo a face, neck or hands or feet unless there is a valid reason. 

NO tattoos on genitals or tattoos of genitals will be refused.

I WILL NOT tattoo morally offensive images or quotes!

I do not tattoo on infections or other visible skin conditions, thickening or warts, birthmarks and no affected skin from skin diseases.



The fully equipped studio is located on my attic, a temporary solution. 

All hygienic measures are perfectly applied here.

The studio also has a special arrangement regarding appointments and visits,

because it's a private shop, NO opening hours are available, 

the studio is only open to clients who have an appointment.

Design process

Let’s do this!!

When you go to the contact page, you can fill in the form. Do this as best you can and very thoroughly.

Press SEND and I will answer as soon as possible.

Or you can send me a mail to

All right, 

I am always interested in your ideas and I want to help you move forward!!!

To make everything happen smoothly and thoroughly, it's best to make an appointment for an intake interview.

During this meeting you can bring as many examples of your ideas as you like, 

please note: I do not copy other artists' work.

During this meeting, we can measure the size of the tattoo on the body part of your choice, some photos will be taken, advice will be given.


A price will be determined based on all data and ideas.

Depending on the size of the tattoo, a deposit of minimum 50€ will be requested. 

For designs estimated above 500€, 1/3 of the final price will be requested as a deposit.

You can either pay CASH or use Payconiq by Bancontact.


Depending on the size and complexity of the design, the waiting will begin.

I will contact you when a tattoo design-draft is ready.

If you are not completely convinced by the design, there is definitely still room to change, add or delete small details.

Then all that's left is to book a date for the actual tattooing.

Patience is a virtue.

I know how long it can sometimes take, but creating a unique design takes time.

There is no point in asking for any progress in the meantime, if you still haven't received an email or message it means I am still working on your design or finishing my waiting list.

In any case, you will get an answer!!

What you most certainly can let me know is if you've changed your mind or you want the tattoo somewhere else. 

Please do, I would really appreciate it.

About Ancien Combattant Tattoo

Ancien Combattant Tattoo is a private tattoo studio run by Walter B.

That's why you won't find opening hours, the studio is only open for clients who have an appointment.

Studio location: Oudstrijdersplein 8, 1500 Halle, Belgium

Copyright © 2020 Ancien Combattant Tattoo - All rights reserved